Becoming a Were Clan member is different for every clan and every werewolf ‘pup.’
Colin, an Irish lad grew up knowing how he would be tested to join the ranks of his betters. His challenges will be social.
Joseph, An Indian teen living on a reservation has no clue what he is when he ‘pops,’ the effects alter his entire life. His challenges will be emotional.
Nuri, A polish Uni student wakes up in a cage and has to fight or die before taking her place among her Amazon sisters. Her challenges will be the burden of leadership.
These three young adults must learn, fight, and overcome their Rise just for a place among their Werewolf kin, and then the real battles begin. Each clan’s politic and traditions guide and hinder each ‘pup’ as they learn the true power of being a Were. Will it be enough to overcome all the dangers within the clans and the unknown dangers coming from outside.
The dramatic collision of these young pups and the traditions of their ancient civilization namesakes will be bloody. Will their werewolf instincts help them survive or doom them?